How are we doing, Sacramento?
CivicOS is quality of life: measured.
- Business Climate
- Business Startups
- Employment Growth
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship
- Personal Income
- Poverty
- Unemployment
- Workforce Quality
- School Readiness
- 3rd Grade Reading
- 4th Grade Reading & Math
- High School Graduation
- High School Dropout
- College Graduation
- Educational Attainment
Health & Families
- Adoption
- Cancer
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Child Abuse & Neglect
- Foster Care
- Health Insurance
- Immunization
- Infant Mortality
- Life
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Suicide
- Teen Pregnancy
Public Safety
- Crime
- Emergency Preparedness
- Juvenile Intakes
- Recidivism
- Traffic Fatalities
Natural Resources
- Air Quality
- Energy
- Historic Resources
- Land Preservation
- Solid Waste and Recycling
- Water Quality
Transportation & Housing
- Infrastructure Condition
- Land Use
- Multimodal Transportation
- Traffic Congestion
Who's responsible?
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